Website Revival


Well well well.. Its been a long time..While I haven't been in the scene since RPG Crisis met its tragic end, we are all old geezers now and that means its time for a flash from the past.While majority of the software at this point is almost over 20 years old and mostly obsolete I still have somewhat of  passion for the community I once was apart of.

So instead of just letting this place continue to rot like the past 20 years I thought I might as well be productive and make something of this.

Expect a lot of updates soon as i will be working on unfinished translation projects and getting a lot of this stuff working on modern hardware.

This is currently is a temp website until I can whip up something more fancy to look at.

That is all. Wutang.



Due to Conical reasons we shall be sharing forums with our friends at  RPGCRISIS until Maker Magazine is finished.
Upcomming this week there will be downloads add for most makers including Tactical RPG Editor v2 and the newest version of 3D RPG Edtior version 1.6


After a major   delay we have finally made a few updates to the site such as a updated scheme and updated maker pages will new information and screenshots, while downloads are down at the moment they will be made available in the week 2 come along with news on our upcomming rescource site Maker Magazine